Survival Tips for African Students Studying Abroad

Going away from your home country to a new country or should I say a New World altogether, can be an overwhelming experience.

With a different culture, lifestyle, expenses, and new people can make everything feel strange. It’s totally normal. Been there, done that.

I did my MBA in France and for me too, it was troublesome for the time being but slowly and steadily I overcame the bad part and made it one of the greatest experiences of my life that is still helping me in my personal and professional life.

To save you from the uphill battles that accompany studying in a new country, I am here to present you with some tips that will help you adjust rather comfortably to the new town of the New World.

Without waiting further, let’s dive right into the tips that can prove to be fruitful for you as an international student.

Boost Your Language Proficiency

Survival for someone who isn’t even proficient in the native language can be a really bumpy ride.

Learn from my mistakes. Recalling back to the time when I didn’t know how to say ‘Where is the vegetable aisle?’ in French. I waffled something to a native and he sent me to an aisle with baby’s stuff like diapers and all. Yeah, that was funny.

Funny aside, not being proficient in the native language can make you inefficient while shopping for home necessities. It can take you longer for the thing you are looking for, wasting your precious time, that could have been consumed to hit the books, gym, or make money.

Fortunately, now, you can learn any language by signing up for a language proficiency program or with the help of the Internet.

There are several apps available that can help you achieve command on any language but they usually charge a premium. Multiple YouTube channels are available free and Windstream Internet Plans can help you stream their videos endlessly in high-definition so you can be buckled up before you head on to your voyage to a foreign land.

Create a Budget and Stick to It

When switching a country, you can expect the price difference to be huge. A thing that was affordable in your home country can be expensive in another. So, having a thorough check on the prices and then adjusting your budget accordingly is the way to go.

But how do you know the total expense of living in a foreign city?

Numbeo can be your budget buddy right up. You can check the total cost of living in a certain city. If you think that you can afford living there, then go for it. Otherwise, select a cheaper option.

A point worth mentioning here: big cities with dense populations tend to be more expensive than the small less populated ones. But they accompany a con with them, fewer job opportunities.

It’s up to you now how extensively you do the homework to choose an optimal town where you can live without the hassles of non-affordability and joblessness.

Understand the Local Laws

Whether traffic or general laws of the state you moved in, getting yourself to familiarize and understand them is essential.

This step holds its significance in dodging the hassle of unaware defiance of regulations when planning to study abroad. Make sure you go through the laws of the country to avoid ruining your status as an international student.

Some of the laws that you should be aware of: visa conditions for international students, your rights as an international student, and local regulations.

Coming to the visa conditions, for example, as a student you are not allowed to do freelancing in Germany. In almost every country, you have certain limitations when it comes to the hours you can work as a student.

Depending on the country you are studying in, your rights as an international student can vary. Like in Australia, you are entitled to receive precise information about your insurance and tax.

Some countries don’t allow room sharing for international students and if you are planning to share a room with your fellow then check with the regulations and then either go or don’t go for it.

Learn to Cook

Having a fine dining experience is great but it comes at a cost. And if you’re eating every day from restaurants there is a chance that you will go broke.

While preparing a wholesome meal for yourself is satisfying it can also save you a lot of money. Say that you get a prepared meal for $10. If you cook the same meal for yourself then it’ll cost around $7. Three meals a day makes it to $9 of savings a day and $270 for a month.

I know that cooking for yourself is time-taking but once you’ll get used to it, it will get easy for you. After all, cooking is a life skill that every single one of us should learn.

Not to forget, learning a recipe from your hometown can help you minimize the very normal homesickness.

Summing Up

The bottom line? It’s all about discipline. If you can keep yourself consistent with the routine of the chores then things will surely get easy for you. Trial and error are your best friend. Keep what works and eliminate what doesn’t. Make sure to implement the tips that have helped me in my offshore studies and may help you too.

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