Sharing is one of the primal emotions of being a human. Sharing not helps us to construct our thoughts for others to perceive it clearly but also helps in creating a bond with familiar people. The digital world today is filled with ‘story share’ content, where an anonymous blog post has become the key. This article will focus on how sharing stories with other people through anonymous blog sites affects your growth. ‘Anonymity’ or ‘being anonymous’ is like a safe zone for us, and sharing from that safe-zone has become ‘a thing.’ But does it promote positive growth in us or otherwise, let’s take a look.
You are the main character of your story, and nobody can decide or narrate it better than you. No matter how difficult or complicated a story is, sharing can add a very liberating feeling to it. Sharing, of course, is sometimes very painful, but if there is any solace, then many will stand up to your decisions, making you feel good about your decisions. Remember, you are not alone.
Benefits of story-sharing:
- Gives you a courageous feeling:
While sharing your story with others, there is a certain amount of hesitation as sharing means letting others know about the ugly parts too. But hen others show solidarity towards your story; it makes you feel bold and courageous about your decisions.
- Remembering what you learned:
A walk down the memory lane is not always bad. It is conclusive that sharing takes you back to that place from where you came out and is still standing strong, but sharing also means revisiting the lessons you learned in life, which can come handy again in extreme crises.
- Allows you to adopt humility:
Sharing your story makes you often realize from the cacophony of the mess that you have escaped from, and this gives you a sense of humility towards life and them. You compare your past with your present, and that gives you a sense of pride and achievement.
- Gaining love:
Sharing helps you in gaining immense love and respect from others as your story becomes inspirational to many. This will make you feel proud and will provide a balance.
But easier said than done, isn’t it? Even though sharing comes with its own merits, it is not so easy for all to share and come out in the open to embrace it. And that due to various reasons. This is why anonymous blog sites came into existence.
But what does an anonymous blog mean?
Anonymousblog platforms are online channels that help in sharing your story to the world, but by keeping you anonymous or unknown or under a pen name. These platforms protect your identity without divulging any details like name or age and help you to easily share your story while keeping you in your comfort zone. Anonymous blogs are very popular with a lot of writers who like to voice their opinions and stories but without being noticed.
Advantages and disadvantages of anonymous blogs:
- Masks your identity: anonymous blogging allows you to keep your identity intact and gives you the confidence to share your story.
- Eliminates any kind of pressure: Anonymous blogs allow you the freedom to tell your story as you want without anyone judging your actions. This gives a sense of courage, encouraging you to tell your story to the world.
- Gives you a medium to share if you are shy or an introvert: Anonymous blogs are a perfect way to share your story if you are unsure of it or shy. By masking your identity, no one will come to know of your true identity, and you can easily tell your story away.
- Helps in making money: based on viewership, you can make money from an anonymous blog allowing you to enjoy the benefit of sharing and encouraging you to share more.
- Difficulty in obtaining viewership: anonymous blogging is often accompanied by difficulty in directing traffic towards your blogs as you cannot let anything link that blog to you. Thus, no clear information can be provided, creating a doubt factor in the minds of the people.
- Always to be kept hidden: Since anonymous blogs are to protect your identity, nobody will ever link any story to you, and you will be deprived of any appreciation or solidarity that may come your way.
- Accepting the anonymity: it’s not easy to let go of appreciation, but anonymous blogs come with their own set of rules. These rules will never allow you to take any credit for your work, and you will have to satisfy yourself with just being a mute spectator for the overwhelming response that your blog may receive.
But overall, if you see, sharing only helps you progress positively in life as it gives you a chance to understand other people’s perspectives. After all, blogging and sharing can only happen when you must have survived a harder time, and that itself is enough of solace to share your story resulting in very positive growth for yourself.